Thursday, August 1, 2013

Month Overview (July 2013)

The month of July has been a pretty chillaxed month for me, so luckily i have had plenty of time to post. Here is an overview of the posts I have made this month:

My first post in July was my cat party hat. It was a post where me and Lilli (from thegardeniaelephant) made a party hat for her cat rosie's birthday.  This was simple and anyone could do it, even though rosie was not so pleased to model it c:


       I also made a short update introducing my beach saga. 

I did a short tutorial on how to make a beach wishing bracelet thing. I was already back from the beach at this point, and I was pretty inspired by the whole thing. 

Next I made a post about a short trip I took to downtown Beaufort with family and friends. It highlighted the a restaurant, the pier, and an oold graveyard. This was an old post from the beach.

The next post I made was one I've been wanting to make for a while where I show you how to make custom stamps. This is definitely one of my favorite DIY posts I have made, and I really liked the turnout.

The next post I made was one about the aquarium. It was another post from the beach. It highlighted different animals we saw, and had some pretty crappy pictures :)

I made a post about a mug i drew on and planted chia in. It was a short and easy but cute tutorial. The chia sprouted so fast it was funny! It grew like wildfire and will look like hair soon enough.  Some pretty crappy pictures in this one as well.

The next post I made was an introduction to the star scale, a simple editing project I did. I do love the graphics on this. 

Goat shopping! This simply showed how we picked out our 4 goats and a bit about each of them!