Today I will show you how to make a plant out of an old ceramic mug!
- A white ceramic mug (You can use an old one you have around your house or you can buy one at the dollar store or michaels.)
- Potting soil
- Water
- Chia seeds
- Permanent markers
- An oven
- A plastic fork
- Plastic wrap
1. Draw your design onto your mug
2. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 Fahrenheit
3. When ready and cooled, fill to the top with soil.
4. Plant dem seeds!
5. Cover lightly with soil
6. Water!
7. Cover with plastic wrap
8. Poke holes in the wrap with fork
9. Leave be until the seeds have sprouted (mine sprouted in only a couple of days)
10. remove plastic wrap and let grow!
Water whenever soil is dry.