I have been planning this for quite sometime. It is a weekly project I will soon start. I hope it will encourage me to be creative and most importantly, inspire me! I have had a hard time not only finding ideas and inspiration as well as motivation for being creative. I have lacked drive. Anyway, on to the project!
Basically I will choose something, an idea, a song, a poem, a movie, a simple object, a word, a person, anything really, that inspires me! Then I will create my own poem, picture, tune, and drawing inspired by it! It's pretty simple really! It is called, do create!
water that is condensed from the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere and falls to earth in drops morethan 1 / 50 in. (0.5 mm) in diameter. Compare drizzle ( def 6 ) .
The pitter patter of misty dew
tears from the sky in chilling rhythm
soak my fingers with a complex serenity
A peace that no human can understand
we hide inside
Avoiding the dewdrops
And racking our brains for the answer to
the ancient question
That it asks when the clouds turn gray