Saturday, January 25, 2014

DIY paper crane earrings

These elegant, simple crane earrings are super easy, and super fun to do! (Two consecutive earring tutorials, weird, right?)

  • Sticky Notes
  • Head pins
  • Earring Hooks
  • Jump Rings
  • Needle-Nosed pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Scissors

1. Fold one sticky note in half, then unfold

2. Fold it in a half the other way, then unfold.

3. Now cut along the lines to make 4 tiny sticky notes.

2 of them are sticky, and 2 are not.
 It is easier to use the not-sticky ones, so you can use the sticky ones for tiny notes!

4.  Fold one of the notes in half, then unfold.

5. Fold in half the other way, then unfold.

6. Flip it over, fold in half diagonally, then unfold.

7. Fold it in half diagonally the other way, then unfold.

8. As you can see, there are 8 triangles, and 4 squares in each note.

Fold one triangle from the side to match with a triangle on a square. 
Then fold another triangle to match with the triangle on the other side. 
Does that make sense? Maybe.
 Just look at this gif and you'll get the idea.

9.  Pick up the first layer of the square, and fold it into the center line.

10. Repeat for the other side and on the back.

11. Fold the top down, then unfold. Flip over, fold the top down, then unfold.
This will create a guide line that you can use later.

12. Unfold the flaps on one side.

13. Pick up one layer, and fold it up until you get to your crease line. 
Then flatten it so that the sides meet in the middle.
Repeat for the other side.

14. Fold each side into the middle. Repeat on the back.

15. Fold the crane's legs up, then back down.
This will make another guideline.

16.  Turn the crane on it's side, open it, and then fold the leg up, stopping at the line. 
Now fold the leg in half. Repeat for the other leg.

17. Fold one leg of the crane down flat to create a head.

18. Open it's wings to let it fly!

19. Repeat steps 4-18 on a new note to make another crane!

You are done with your cranes!

1. You will notice there is a hole on the bottom of your crane.
Stick your headpin through this hole and poke it through the top, in the middle.

You will want your pin to stop at the hole. 
If your hole is too big you can apply a tiny bit of hot glue to the area or a piece of tape.

2. Cut the pin approximately 2 inches (or less) above the crane. 
This will leave room to make your eye.

3. Use your pliers to form the pin into small circle. 
Do this by taking the tip of the pin and bending it to meet the pin in an o shape.

4. Open your jump ring and loop it onto the eye of the pin.

5. Loop the earring hook onto the jump ring.

6. Close the jump ring to finish the earring! 
Repeat steps 1-6 on the other crane.

7. Flaunt em'!

If you have any questions feel free to leave them down below.
I probably didn't explain some of the things too well, so don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. These are so pretty! That paper is so tiny! The gif really helps explain it - thanks!
